ICABR Conference: BioMonitor Session
On behalf of Justus Wesseler and the team of the BioMonitor project, I am pleased to invite you to a dedicated BioMonitor session, hosted at the ICABR conference on the 7th of July.
All information about the session can be found in the attached invitation.
As an invited participant, your travel expenses (up to €1000,-.) as well as your daily pass for the ICABR conference will be covered. It is necessary to subscribe for the ICABR conference, which is possible through the following link: 26th ICABR Conference 2022 – ConfTool Pro – Login.
After creating a profile, you can choose the registration option for ‘BioMonitor Stakeholder’. By doing so, the registration fee will be billed to the BioMonitor project.
For further information about travel expenses or the registration fee, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I hope to welcome you to the session on the 7th of July. In order to have an accurate idea of how many participants will join us, I want to ask you to accept or decline the attached outlook-invitation. In that way, the session will appear in your agenda directly. However, please note that even after accepting the invitation, a registration on the ICABR website is still mandatory.