ICABR 2022

26th annual conference – July 5 to 8, Bologna, Italy
Bioeconomy Innovation Pipelines and Supply Chain Shocks
Innovation is fundamental for ensuring societies are able to produce more, while requiring fewer inputs. Without innovation-driven productivity gains, the problems outlined by Malthus over 200 years ago would be more pronounced in modern societies. Innovations along supply chains are essential to meeting the needs of increasing populations, while simultaneously striving to ensure production is as sustainable as possible.
What are some of the key opportunities and challenges affecting innovation? Advances in biological research accelerated by COVID-19 and new research tools like CRISPR-Cas9 are creating new opportunities for firms to innovate. Innovators seeking investment are, however, adversely affected by different sources of uncertainty. Innovation pipelines both technical and institutional are vital for supply chain development, as without the continuous commercialization of improved products and changes in market and industrial structure, supply chains risk stagnation. Recent supply chain shocks, such as those resulting from COVID-19 and dramatic climactic events, have created significant challenges for many supply chains. Supply chain disruptions create business opportunities as well as uncertainty in markets, the effects of which can ripple through supply chains, ultimately all the way back to innovation investment decisions. They are further affected by national and international policies.
Practical information
The conference will take place at the University of Bologna.
Address: Bologna, Piazza San Giovanni in Monte, 2 – 40124.
©Antonio Cesari
Accommodation is not provided. We can recommend the following hotels:
Please note the ICABR has no say in whether you will be allowed into Italy and hence will not be able to provide any letters arguing for your entry into the country.That decision rests solely with the Italian government and its biosafety protocols.
Please inform yourself about the travel restrictions that might apply. You can find the latest information about the situation here. Please also follow the updates we publish on the ICABR website.
The basic info about COVID-19 rules at UNIBO are available here.
The key info is the following:
COVID-19 Green Pass
A COVID-19 Green Pass is no longer required when attending activities in person. It remains mandatory only to access healthcare facilities.
Use of face masks (respiratory protective equipment)
The use of face masks on university premises is recommended in all indoor environments. Please be reminded of the importance of wearing FFP2 respiratory protective equipment indoors in all situations that do not allow to keep a safe distance from others (approx. 1 metre), or in environments with poor ventilation.
Regarding the Covid19 Mask Regulations in Italy, the use of FFP2 masks remains mandatory aboard public transports (including trains and buses). See here.
We would like to add that, as the conferences are nowadays major spreaders of COVID-19, the use of FFP2 masks in all indoor environments is strongly recommended.