In Memorial of Terri Raney

Terri-RaneyIt is with great sadness that the ICABR Board of Directors recently learned of the passing of Terri Raney. Terri had a lengthy history of involvement with the ICABR, actively participating in numerous conferences during her career at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

Terri was remarkably knowledgeable about a diverse array of agricultural sectors. She brought her knowledge and experience to bear in facilitating excellent discussions at ICABR meetings, creating exceptional learning opportunities for graduate students and faculty alike. She was a tireless champion of the importance of innovation for increasing productivity, especially the contributions from agricultural biotechnology. Terri actively advocated for increased female participation in senior leadership positions and encouraged female graduate students at every opportunity.

Terri had multiple publication leadership roles at FAO. Highlights included her contribution as lead editor of FAO’s impactful 2003-2004 State of Food and Agriculture Report which focused on agricultural biotechnology. This was the last SOFA report focusing on agricultural biotechnology issues at FAO. Terri was the co-lead of the FAO 2014 SOFA Report discussing innovation in family farming. Terri was instrumental in strengthening the connections between the FAO and the ICABR, enhancing and expanding the knowledge flow between both organizations.

Terri and her partner Jose were incredible hosts in Rome and when they moved to FAO field offices in the Caribbean. They lived a very full life, including sailing, gourmet cooking and hosting family and friends, both during and after retiring from FAO. We will miss Terri as a person, colleague and as a dedicated professional working as an international civil servant.

The ICABR extends its deepest sympathies to Jose and the rest of Terri’s family. While we will miss Terri at our conferences, we think fondly of her when we are gathered together.

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